Keep your show live and your team alive with CueStream, where every cue is a visual cue.


With CueStreamer, step into the spotlight of efficiency. Your cues are now a visual symphony, your team, a well-conducted orchestra. No more missed signals, no more confusion—just a perfectly harmonized performance, every time.

Soft launch currently in progress. Launching to the public soon.
Email for a free try-out.


Say Goodbye to Paper Cuesheets

In the world of show production, staying on cue means staying ahead. With CueStreamer, leave behind the clutter of printed cuesheets and embrace the clarity of real-time video updates.


Outdated Cues, Not Anymore!

Are you tired of chasing down the latest version of your cuesheet? CueStreamer transforms your static cues into dynamic video displays, ensuring that every member of your team is in sync with the current scene, not the last one.


Every Cue, Clear and Visible

No more squinting at small print or missing a beat. With CueStreamer, your cues are big, bold, and impossible to miss. It's like having a showcaller for the digital age—silent but perfectly timed.


Seamless Integration, Effortless Shows

No more squinting at small print or missing a beat. With CueStreamer, your cues are big, bold, and impossible to miss. It's like having a showcaller for the digital age—silent but perfectly timed.


Adaptable to Any Last-Minute Change

Changes in the cue? No problem. CueStreamer adapts to real-time changes, distributing updates instantly across the board. Your whole team stays informed, no reprints necessary. We simply have to press export and you get the latest update (in future that will be fully automated too!).

Competitive pricing, increased efficiancy & better shows

Something that used to take a week to create and cost atleast €2.500,-. Changes were taking up a lot of time. CueStreamer is embodyment when creativity, technology & automation come toghether. This tool is accesable for any organisation trying to improve time-senstive events.

  • No need for communication, briefings or agendas that aren't flexible. This system runs almost fully automated.

  • Previously impossible tasks are possible now. We've got many features planned that were simply not possible before.

  • No new complicated apps. Just a simple upload of your cuelist. And after a while you get a notification when your conversion is completed.

  • New templates in the future will give you more options. Dedicated and seperate screens for SR & SL? Check. - Want dedicated timelines for your VJ, LD or any other disipline? Check. - Do you want to import a small version of the cuelist into After Effects; so you can time your shows faster and better? Check!

  • We are building upon efficiency and efficiency. Always looking to make it faster and more reliable.


Any questions, suggestions and remarks are welcome. Always Happy to Help.

the Organisation behind cuestream


StrmCtrl (StreamControl) is a creative agency focusing on creating graphical & animated content for events. Using automation & new technologies to achieve higher efficiency. Easily outputting the content by a factor of two, often more. CueStreamer was first meaned as a showcase what is possible. But quickly became clear it could serve as it's own product & ecosystem.If you are intrested what StrmCtrl offers. Check than the website and upgrade your event to the next level.

© CueStream, part of StrmCtrl. All rights reserved.